Message from Secretary general

To the members of the GRIET-MUN community,

On behalf of the entire organising committee, it is my pleasure to extend to you an invitation to the first edition of MUN. The conference will be held on 11th and 12th October, 2019 at GRIET.

A Model United Nations is an academic simulation of the United Nations in which participants assume the role of diplomats from different countries and deliberate over international issues. While the direct lessons from MUNs are manifold, the indirect benefits are the ones that stay with you for a lifetime. The ability to dissect and analyse seemingly complex concepts, to acknowledge and understand the multifaceted nature of problems, and most importantly, to actively listen to friends and foes alike, is what shelves MUNs in the “invaluable” section of the library that is life.

GRIET-MUN 2019 will have three committees whose agendas are both relevant and interesting. With an all-star Organising Team, dynamic and experienced Executive Board, and the perfect set of committees, I have inveterate confidence that we will uphold the highest standards of debate. With that, mesdames et messieurs(Ladies and Gentlemen), I welcome you to embark upon this two day journey of intense debate, simulating discussions and shrewd diplomacy, in what we hope turns out to be one of the most memorable experiences of your life.

With Regards




TEAM SPIRALS is the literary Student Body of GRIET which offers a competing platform for the knowledge-hungry students. It promises to cultivate a passion for quizzing, Debating, creative writing, literature, Elocution, etc., among the students. We help to develop self-efficacy and confidence and would help to enhance the general knowledge base. The team conducts various activities to develop Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing skills such as Debates, Essay Writing, Elocution, Mock Interviews and more. We conduct Events like Improvact and Mock Interviews help students to enhance their skills of speaking, acting, spontaneity and help them to overcome stage fear. The GRIET PARLIAMENT which is a simulation of Indian Parliament is conducted by the student body to bring social awareness among students about current issues happening in the country.

Team SPIRALS has been successfully conducting  many such events since it's inception in the year 2014 and has received immense response and love. The club was named and initiated by Dr. J N Murthy. The club provides an ideal platform for all the book-lovers, story-tellers, poets, writers and bloggers to interact and share their views. The logo of team SPIRALS shines in the glitter of 4 different color, each with a significant value. The glorious green color symbolizes united strength of the team The radiant red represents endeavor to seek and spread knowledge. The blissfull blue indicates stability of the team The vivacious voilet depicts uniqueness of the work. These colors inherently manifest the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing.

Now, with another good vision the team is conducting Model United Nations (GRIET MUN) on October 11th-12th, 2019 to develop deeper understanding into current world issues and experience simulation of United Nations.